Wednesday, June 24, 2015

24 Hour Comic Challenge: Mission Accomplished!

I'm sharing this post with, because I'm so proud of the accomplishment, it should be posted twice:

My first 24 Hour Comic Book Challenge has been completed for over 48 hours now, as I write this, but I'm still thinking about the experience as one of the most thrillingly creative of my life.  My writing and drawing process is often time sensitive, as so many stories in Amazing Arizona Comics are dependent on current events, but this was the first time the creation was the event, and several times throughout the challenge I wondered if I bit off more than I could chew.

When I publish the comic, I'll release an edition that has page-by-page thoughts on their inspirations, so I won't write too much here in the hopes that you buy the book and celebrate the accomplishment with me.  I will say, here and now, elsewhere and forever, that I wouldn't have accomplished this feat without the support of Cynthia Black, proprietor of Hub, the furniture shop/creative space that hosted me.  Her insight and support of the creative process was a driving force behind my efforts, and Hub as a stage for this thing provided the accountability I needed to get it done.

Also, I owe Rainstorm Video and Film and Brick Cave Media a great thanks for their moral support and technical insight.  Rainstorm captured some footage of the event which may become a small package I'll share later, in addition to the 12 News clip above.

At the end of the day (literally), I learned, as cliched as it sounds, that I could do anything if I just set my mind to it.  It really is just a matter of time.

Speaking of which, July is right around the corner, so . . .

Coming soon:

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