Friday, September 19, 2014

Hence the Brittle Lashes: The Nervosa Sessions EP Has Dropped!

SPX marked the debut of The Nervosa Sessions, the first EP by Hence the Brittle Lashes, a band dedicated to producing songs about the friends and family of Dr. Frasier Crane.  During SPX, I was delighted to see hints of Frasier love among the attendees, from this Ted Danson shirt, to this Cheers pin.  Subtle, but present, and most importantly relevant.

I cropped out the wearers because I didn't get their permission to appear on the blog, but if you happen to see this and don't mind, please comment and I'll be happy to post your smiling faces.

The Nervosa Sessions EP is available online for a mere $8, which will include shipping!  The EP features three original songs, and two remixes -- that's five tracks total, one for every dollar Niles must spend on that double short, low fat, no foam latte every day.  Remember, the holidays are coming; don't pull a Frasier and decide to just tell your loved ones, in your own words what they mean to you -- SHOW them with The Nervosa Sessions by Hence the Brittle Lashes!

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